Alison Harrison


Writer who believes shorter is better and simple is best. Asker of questions.


Think twice about perks
Best Practices

How many times have you turned green with envy when you heard about a company’s jaw-dropping perks like these: dry cleaning on-site, decked out game rooms, free haircuts and subsidized (or free!) gourmet dinners?

Make it meaningful
Employee Experience

A few weeks ago, a new business acquaintance shared this video with me. From the start, it had me hooked.

Learning from the best of the best
Employee Experience

Yesterday, Fortune released its annual list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Since the list was introduced in 1998, it has become the gold standard of workplace awards, plastered across winners’ websites, touted by recruiters and coveted by companies across the country.

Your Intranet: No Need for Instructions
Employee Experience

What’s your New Year’s resolution? We’ve got one you can stick to—and it doesn’t require any fancy gym equipment or crazy diets.

Less is More
Employee Experience

The picture to the left shows the many posters we’re required by federal, state and local government to display in our little office. If you’ve already fallen asleep, I can’t blame you.

The Mess Before the Masterpiece
Just for Fun

Sounds of frustration filled my kitchen as my daughter worked on a poem for her first grade teacher. “Ugh, I should’ve used pencil,” she said.

Why fluff isn’t fluff, it’s glue
Best Practices

In writing for Brilliant Ink clients, we get the opportunity to see first-hand what stories engage our employee readers most closely, what fires their imaginations, what makes them proud and what gives them a sense of belonging.It turns out that it’s not the recaps of corporate strategy meetings and news about great partnership deals that connect employees most closely to their company.

Collaborating Co-workers
Best Practices

The Brilliant Ink team has been fully remote for awhile, and we’ve had to work harder than ever to make sure we’re working together to bring our clients the best of our combined experience.

Getting in focus
Best Practices

There are a lot of things I love about the work I do – communicating with employees can be enormously rewarding, creative and fun. Hands down, my favorite part about my job is the opportunity to get out and talk with employees through focus groups.

Proofread Like a Pro
Best Practices

OK, we’re word nerd perfectionists at Brilliant Ink and we want our clients to see our very best work every time. Proofreading is a vital step for us and done well it can make the difference between sparkling, accurate prose and…well, the kind of Internet spelling and grammar horrors that give us the chills.

The value and impact of infographics
Best Practices

Infographics are EVERYWHERE. You know - those little graphic visual representations of complex data or information.