Alison Harrison


Writer who believes shorter is better and simple is best. Asker of questions.


Help Your People Stress Less
Employee Experience

The financial rollercoaster our economy is on is not the fun kind. On the contrary, pretty much everyone is freaked out by it, and likely feeling a lot of stress.

Raising the bar – the power and value of benchmarking
Best Practices

My first college internship was with a Houston-based company that specialized in corporate benchmarking studies. I was immediately intrigued by the notion that companies would be willing to share the secrets of their success to help others – often direct competitors – learn and model themselves accordingly.

The invisible bonus: connecting your employees with a higher purpose
Employee Experience

A couple of weeks ago, Kate and I interviewed a client about the notion of culture – what creates a strong culture, how it's preserved, and what organizations can do to make sure all employees feel like they're part of it. During our conversation, our client referred to the notion of an “invisible bonus,” or the idea that a company's mission, vision or work itself can be a powerful motivator for employees and an important factor in job satisfaction.

Who Wants to Jam?
Employee Experience

Who out there was in a band growing up? Do you remember jamming it out in a friend’s garage and keeping the neighbors up?

Summer reading
Just for Fun

This week marks the official start of summer, which means we're all looking forward to bbqs, beach time and of course, some good summer reading. There's nothing better than sitting in the sun with a good book, so we wanted to share a few of our current favorites around the office.

Plain English, Pretty Please!
Just for Fun

Do you ever feel like the instructions for filing your taxes were written by robots? And thank goodness a U.

Sometimes, Words Alone Fail Us
Employee Experience

Around here we spend lots and lots of timing writing. Writing core messages, writing strategy descriptions, writing articles, writing executive memos, writing speeches, and so on.

Outside In
Employee Experience

It’s been an amazing first two weeks at Brilliant Ink! On Day 1, I was welcomed with open arms to the team and attended an engaging talk by a well-known CEO of a popular consumer brand, who was invited to speak to a client’s employees.

Get on board!
Best Practices

Next week, Brilliant Ink will welcome a new addition to our small but mighty team. Kate Brinkerhoff has come all the way from New York City to be a part of the San Francisco office, and we couldn’t be more excited!

Managing for Strengths
Best Practices

Think back to the last performance review you received. How did the conversation go?

Let's Get Viral
Employee Experience

Have you seen the latest viral marketing campaigns making their rounds on the internet?Buzz is high about denim icon and blue jeans inventor Levi Strauss & Co.

Playing with fire?
Employee Experience

A couple of weeks ago the internet was ablaze with word of a memo, penned by Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, decrying the company’s current market position and chances for success in an increasingly competitive environment. The memo began with the story of a man standing on the burning platform of an oil rig, facing the difficult decision of whether to perish on the platform or dive into the icy waters of the Atlantic.